Charleston Storm Surge Barrier
Charleston, SC
RDE has been a special advisor to the City of Charleston and stakeholders regarding storm surge flooding, loss of salt marsh, and the sea wall proposed by the USACE 3x3x3 Feasibility Study. RDE worked together with other advisors to assess storm surge risks, unintended consequences for existing wetland systems along wall alignments, and future infrastructure vulnerabilities posed by sea level rise. We analyzed potential for nature-based alternatives to concrete walls — such as wave attenuators, salt marsh restoration through thin layer placement of dredged materials, and enhancement of existing wetlands to defend the city against flooding and inevitable storm surge barrier overtopping.
RDE had previously been part of the Dutch Dialogues design process, collaborating to design nature-based engineering solutions to tidal / rainfall compound flooding in the Church Creek basin.
Check out the full report at: Charleston Storm Surge Barrier

Rendering demonstrating the obstruction of waterfront views caused by the storm surge wall proposed in the Army Corps of Engineers' 3x3 Feasibility Study; the rendering uses elevations provided in the USACE study

Rendering demonstrating the obstruction of waterfront views caused by the storm surge wall proposed in the Army Corps of Engineers' 3x3 Feasibility Study; the rendering uses elevations provided in the USACE study
Dutch Dialogues